Wednesday 1 June 2016

Criterion D Evaluation

Prachi: Very detailed presentation. A lot of effort was put into the project, however she seemed nervous, and was constantly reading of the powerpoint. In her future projects I suggest she practices her presentation before the presentation date because it builds confidence and a better understanding of the presentation. When people are nervous they stutter, when they stutter they come across as being troubled, almost confused. It is almost as if they are unfamiliar with their own presentation. So yes, beforehand practice is required as you need to have a way to prepare yourself besides just putting information on slides.

Amr: The project was explained clearly, however during the presentation I noticed that he had a con in his presentation but told everybody that the con was false this shows that he hasn't kept his presentation up to date and may have omitted important details from his presentation as I find it suspicious that he only had two cons, one of which he tried to cover up.

Mohammad and Karam: Very disappointing, the main idea of Tech Fair is for people to develop something themselves, it can be a website, a robot, a game etc. This does not qualify as a Tech Fair Project. These two have been very unorganized as the website was not even published!

Criterion D Reflections: Individual & Peer

I was peer evaluated by Mohammad Itani.

Tuesday 31 May 2016

Reflection on IDU

For my website I created the content in my French class and made the website in my IT class. Each lesson my French teacher would assign the class an IDU task, an overall of 3 IDU tasks. Each IDU task was very specific and required us to make certain activities. In my IT class we planned the creation of our websites, and in French we recieved our first IDU task, Reading & Comprehension, I made sure to follow the rubric very carefully, and got a 7 in criteria A & B. My questions were challenging, but not too difficult, perfect for year 7s. However my content had a fair amount of mistakes, so I feel as though I could have double checked my use of grammar before submitting my work. Overall I put In a good effort and stuck with vocabulary year 7s could understand. In IT I added my completed IDU Task, after it had been marked to my website by adding it as a link on a button I created on Wix.
For my second IDU task, A French Dialogue I stayed on topic, but my questions were unrefined and I scored less in criterion B than A, getting 5,7 respectively. The questions were somewhat too difficult and the harder questions had come first.

Everything else went accordingly. In my opinion the IDU has alot of benefits being able to put two subjects together to reach a mutual goal whilst working in their different fields to accomplish that goal. The benefits of putting French along with IT makes learning the language alot more consistent as french dictionaries and vocabulary are available online, as well as quizes and excercises. It also creates oppurtunity to learn to use  a variety of different websites that I did not know existed, like how I had done with Wix, having no idea how it worked.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

About me

My name is Saif Khan. I am from Scotland. I am a student at Emirates International School Meadows (EISM). I am 14 years old. I have black hair with matching eyes. I enjoy playing rounders and baseball.

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Criterion A; Technology as a blessing and a curse

In the olden times people did not have phones that they could carry around, or any kind of the technology we have today. In present times technology plays a big part in our lives, because of the technology we now have it is possible to play games with amazing graphics, call people from the other side of the world through phones that we can carry around, text our friends, make friends on a variety of different social media, but nowadays people don't seem to care about those things any more. It doesn't matter what kind of gadget you have, or its capabilities people always demand more!

Whenever something new comes out, a gadget of some sort, people are more than willing to discard their old gadgets and get the latest version of that gadget, and the cycle only continues as time goes on. It is a desire that can never be filled. People should be more grateful for what they have, even if it isn't the most recent gadget it still allows you to make calls and text people, isn't that what people had truly wanted from the beginning?

I feel that although technology has improved the lives of people it has also, in the process robbed us of our humanity, technology was never meant to rule the lives of people, it was made to help them!
Everybody dies at some point in time, it can happen to anyone at any time, on the day of your death what will you remember doing? Wasting your time watching youtube videos? Breaking your phones so your parents would get you a more recent one? What is the meaning of it all?

Life was supposed to be about making the most of the time you had on earth, whether it be spending your time with family, praying to god, it could be anything as long as you have done everything you wanted to do in life. We do not know when we will die that is why we want to make each day of our life precious, not just something we will forget doing the next day.

 The applications you have on your phone are worthless! Why are people so tied to their games? What is the point of them? Why can people never be grateful for what they have?

Have you ever asked yourself: Why am I not satisfied with what i have? Isn't what i have enough already?

To conclude, I believe that although technology is most certainly a blessing it's capabilities are taken for granted the moment a new gadget comes out.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Future Projects

In the future companies are planning to build new projects that could potentially change the world as we know it. In this blog entry i will share two projects that will be built in the next 10 years.

Driverless cars: Approximately 10 years from now, car companies are planning to manufacture a car that can move on its own. A prototype has already been made and has been tested. Here are some pros about the protype: If you managed to get a hold of it you do not have to bother taking a drivers test, and you don't have to drive yourself so it gives you an oppurtunity to relax. Cons are that the protypes distance is limited.